
Books edited by Sherwood Thompson

Campus Diversity Triumphs: Valleys of Hope

Edited by Sherwood Thompson

Today’s Chief Diversity Officers face tremendous challenges. Among those are threats to Affirmative Action admissions and financial aid programs, the dearth of faculty and staff of color in Predominantly White Institutions, the scarcity of funds to carry out institutional diversity mandates, and the need to play mentor to a vast array of individuals–faculty, staff, students and community stakeholders–with minimum staff support.


Encyclopedia of Diversity and Social Justice

Edited by Sherwood Thompson

The Encyclopedia of Diversity and Social Justice contains over 300 entries alphabetically arranged for straightforward and convenient use by scholars and general readers alike. This reference is a comprehensive and systematic collection of designated entries that describe, in detail, important diversity and social justice themes. Thompson, assisted by a network of contributors and consultants, provides a centralized source and convenient way to discover the modern meaning, richness, and significance of diversity and social justice language, while offering a balanced viewpoint.


Exploring Campus Diversity


Exploring Campus Diversity:Case Studies and Exercises explores the realistic chain of events that happens on college and university campuses across the United States that involve issues of diversity and campus climate. Many of the real-life scenarios presented in the book are taken from actual events on university and college campuses. A full array of learning exercises is associated with each of the case studies, and problem-solving questions are presented to stimulate understanding of the situations and how they relate using thoughtful, critical, and reflective reasoning.


Coping with Gender Inequities


This book provides a discussion of women faculty members’ experiences on college and university campuses and examines their thoughts, perceptions, responsibilities, and status in the academy. Most specifically, this book explores the differences between male and women faculty in the academy; women faculty insight into teaching, research and service; how women faculty perceive their work environment; and the stress of faculty evaluation regarding tenure and promotion, and sharing of success stories and lessons learned.


A Symposium Model for Doctoral Students of Color Seeking Faculty Positions in Higher Education

Samuel Hinton, Sherwood Thompson

The purpose of this article is to share a model for motivating and mentoring students of color who are finding it difficult to complete their doctorate degree because of personal, social, and institutional challenges. Students do not pay a fee to participate in the symposium. They are motivated among other things to build relationships, and establish contacts and networks with a cohort of scholars interested in helping them complete their studies.


Views from the Frontline

Sherwood Thompson

Views from the Frontline: Voices of Conscience on College Campuses draws upon the experience of educators working to sustain diversity and multiculturalism on college campuses. The book provides a forum for educators to express their views and tell their stories about their struggles and success. The book is filled with passionate accounts and new perspectives on diversity, inclusion and multicultural community building.

academic freedom

Academic Freedom: Autonomy, Challenges and Conformation

edited by Robert Ceglie, Sherwood Thompson

Framed in the context of a world in which academic freedom is often jeopardized, or criticized by outside social forces, Academic Freedom: Autonomy, Challenges and Conformation sets out to echo the voices of faculty who have encountered challenges to academic freedom within their personal and professional careers. Including chapters which range from showcasing specific experiences within particular disciplines, to providing broad historical or philosophical perspectives, this edited collection provides an authentic account of how academic freedom has helped and hindered the academic profession, scholarship, and teaching.